Be brave — the sea crossing from Peniche can be bumpy, but the reward is a hillside camp site with exclusive access to the crystal waters of a small cove on Ilha da Berlenga. Only a dozen fishermen’s families live on the island, which is a protected nature reserve. It’s saltwater showers only, and you have to collect a daily personal allowance of fresh water at the island’s bar (which stocks other drinks, too).
ilhadasberlengas.no.sapo.pt, 00 351 262 789571; £8-£14 per tent per night. Fly to Lisbon, 70 miles from Peniche, with BMI Baby (bmibaby. com) or EasyJetFerries make the seven-mile crossing between May and September (viamar-berlenga.com; £16 return)
(http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/travel/holiday_type/active/article5857453.ece)ilhadasberlengas.no.sapo.pt, 00 351 262 789571; £8-£14 per tent per night. Fly to Lisbon, 70 miles from Peniche, with BMI Baby (bmibaby. com) or EasyJetFerries make the seven-mile crossing between May and September (viamar-berlenga.com; £16 return)
* Times - Top 1. Quero.